The smart phones are day by day becoming smarter and smarter. The woofapps that add on the features of the smart phone device tend to make life as easy as possible. There is a wide variety of mobile applications available on the internet. Some of the applications that have proved to very useful are as follows.
This application is especially for those who never want to step into the dark or who love different types of lights for dancing. This application usually costs $0.99. This application turns on when its icon on the mobile screen is tapped. This application throws light which can be dimmed according to the need of the situation. The color of the flash light can also be adjusted. There are different light effects like “Spiral” that can be quite hypnotizing and “Candle” that can give an impression of a flame from the candle. The strobe light feature of this application allows the user to flick the function so that you can get in a mood to dance and adjust if your steps are not perfect.
BAC is the acronym of Blood Alcohol Content. This application is especially for those people who drive after consuming alcohol. By law you can drive the car only if the level of alcohol in the blood is within certain stipulated limits. After downloading the application on to your smart phone all you have to do is feed in the data regarding your gender, how much alcohol you have consumed, and your weight. The application will immediately display the amount of alcohol in your body. The only limitation of this application is that you should be in your senses to feed in the data. This application can help you to consume alcohol in limits and save you from a lot of trouble.
If you feel that you are quite creative and want to compose your own music then Ocarina is one of the most appropriate applications. This iPhone application is just worth $0.99. Those people who have played the video game “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” must be already aware that Ocarina is a musical instrument that looks like a flute from ancient times. The Ocarina application features onscreen buttons that look like “holes” of the flute. To play the Ocarina you have to just place your fingers on the “holes” and blow air into the microphone that is built in the mobile device. This is one of the easiest instruments to be played. This application comes as a blessing for those who are impatient and running short of time to learn playing the instrument in real.
This application is especially for those who like to enjoy dancing alone and at the same time want to feel that he/she is in a party. This free application runs on iPhone as well as Droid. With this application in your smart phone you can have easy and quick accesses to the stations of Pandora account. You can choose and listen to any number on the station.