If you’re reading this then you must be an online dewi365 enthusiast. In the next few minutes I’ll introduce you to a new generation of poker software called poker odds calculators! Poker odds calculators will enhance your game and help you win more hands, tournaments and increase your income! They greatly improved my poker play, I avoided bad bets, stopped chasing bad hands and cashed out more often. I’m actually not a poker genius, just a mediocre player, so if I did it, you can do it too.
If you are not using such a program, it is highly likely someone is surely using it on you! Recent estimates indicate that more than 40% of online poker players have some sort of program aid while playing online Texas Holdem poker, and the percentage just keeps rising! That means that you either have a distinct advantage over your competition if you are using these tools or you are being exploited by more prepared players. Now I’m going to answer a few basic questions about odds calculators.
What exactly is a poker odds calculator?
Poker odds calculator is a special software created with a complex set of algorithms, which compute the chances of winning, based on past computations and past played hands; the odds that this particular combination of cards will come up at a particular point in a game. While this information may seem to be too big and complex to be memorized, there are some very basic odds that can be memorized. Most successful poker players have educated themselves on the basic theories of odds so they can make snap decisions based upon those statistics as quickly as the cards are dealt.
This gives them great advantage over amateur players because they can calculate the odd of winning that particular hand. This is the most important information you can have in online poker. This is precisely why amateurs should look to level the chances of winning by using an online poker odds calculator. There is an old saying which fits here perfectly “God created man, Sam Colt made them equal.” The same is with poker calculators, “God created poker players, odds calculators made them equal”:)
Are they suitable for every poker player?
Yes, they are not designed only for hardcore players. Every poker player has a calculator designed to suit his needs. If you are a beginner player best choice would be a beginner friendly calculator like Texas Calculatem. For intermediate players I would recommend Holdem Indicator and Calculatem Pro, one off the most popular advanced calculators available. For more advanced online poker players who need more functions and statistics best choice would be Holdem Genius, very powerful odds calculator. There are some specialized pieces od poker software, like Tournament Indicator and Sit and Go shark. Tournament indicator is odds calculator designed specially for Texas Holdem tournament play and Sit and Go Shark for Sit and Go tournaments.
Are they expensive?
Odds calculators can only be used when you get an unlock code from the software’s administrator. The best part about poker calculators is that you can get them for free! They retail price varies from $70 to $100 but here you will learn how you can get license for FREE and save some money for poker!Is using poker calculators cheating? No, not really. They just bring you up to speed with the poker professionals and mathematical geniuses who have this information in their head and use it to make key probability decisions all the time. Majority of poker sites describe poker calculators as acceptable 3rd party software. So no worries there.
Where can you use them?
Almost 99% of online poker rooms support poker odds calculator. For detail list of poker rooms supported visit the wanted calculator review page and find the supported rooms there!
Why to buy poker odds calculator?
I will not speak about morality and legal consequences of using “cracked” or “patched” version of odds calculator software, just about practical downside. Every poker odds calculator updates itself regularly (approx. every week or two), automatically adding new functionality and tweaks. You can use your instance of software only when it’s updated to current version available! So the conclusion is, if you want to use odds calculator of your choice on a regular basis use the registered version!